Tag Archives: Mental Health


When you fail to accept human limitation, and when you believe your uniqueness sets you apart from the same constraints as others, you enter the arena of Tragedy.

Ways such entitlement can develop:

Some people were so damaged while growing up that they came to trust no one and to regard all rules, laws and limits as applying to others and not themselves. They are often angry and well-disguised. Clinicians define these people as sociopaths or anti-social individuals.

Some people had parents who were so obsessed with them that they met all their adult needs by focusing on their child. These children, in turn, became so obsessed with themselves that they do not realize they are having an impact on others. Clinicians term these people narcissists.

Some people were so abused that they manage their anxiety with compulsive use of alcohol, drugs, sex food or gambling. their obsession and preoccupation so distort reality that they rationalize their entitled behavior. Clinicians call them addicts

Some people grew up in families of extraordinary wealth, power and fame, which insulated them from accountability and a healthy sense of human limitation. As adults, they often feel very trepidatious about the loss of their status. At the same time, they feel that the public invades their privacy and that their heritage entitles them to do whatever is necessary to meet their needs and perserve their image.

Some people, because of great talent and hard work, rise to postions of great power, such as physciians, members of the clerty or attorneys. they may see thenmselves as having worked harder, achieved more, sacrificed more and been smarter and tougher than others. Therefore, they believe that they are more deserving.

– The Betrayal Bond by Patrick J Carnes

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