Category Archives: Social Networking

>Enough Said!


This was sent to me via Facebook…..

“Well,all I can say is that you cant trust anyone in that family!!!! So I find out KIm is married then she lied about oh pretty much everything up to the last day even making shit up!!! They are all crazy! ANd they always talked shit about you so dont be fooled by there deciebt,they are crazy! You seem like a sweet girl and I thought it was unfair that they always bashed you for your past and what you did for work! take care and good luck,”

I will keep the name out of the blog for respect…….
Wonder if that family understands that term. I never expected them to respect me since they have a hard enough time respecting each other and themselves..
I hope you guys are happy now…. Honestly if it made you feel better about your empty lives to pick on me, dont worry, i will take that beating. I will take everything you throw my way because i loved, and know Love, i will be that person for your guys, so that at nights, you can sleep better. When you look in the mirror I hope you are proud of yourselves and the decisions you have made. Dont worry about me.. im strong and im more than meets the eyes.


But now that im gone… who will you pick on?
Who will be your WELCOME rug
your punching bag
Who will take your pain……
No more scapegoat
only white elephant
only you
standing alone in the room
“Always getting together to be ALONE together”

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